Contribuţii Botanice 2006(1)
Grădina Botanică "Alexandru Borza"
L'ECOSYSTEME URBAIN, CONSERVATEUR DE PHYTOTAXONS D'IMPORTANCE SOZOLOGIQUE. ETUDE DE CAS: LA VILLE DE CLUJ-NAPOCA, I. Liviu FILIPAS, Vasile CRISTEA Universitatea "Babes-Bolyai", Facultatea de Biologie si Geologie, Catedra de Taxonomie si Ecologie, str. Republicii, nr. 42, RO-400015 Cluj Napoca e-mail: Abstract: Urban ecosystems, preserver of phytotaxons with a sozological importance. Case study: Cluj-Napoca city, I. In the subsystems of cities there is still surviving a series of species with various degrees of endangerment. By their presence, they increase the value of the biodiversity of these particular types of ecosystems. On the basis of our research, the present work confirms the existence of 11 phytotaxons with a sozological importance within the city of Cluj-Napoca. Other 19 taxons, cited during the 19th century and in the first half of the 20th century, haven't been found. We consider that the presentation of the distribution of these 11 taxons (Fig. 1) is useful to the various national and continental programmes focused on the preservation of the biodiversity. Key words: urban ecosystem, threatened plants, preservation | [abstract] | [PDF] | DIVERSITY, DISTRIBUTION AND ECOLOGY OF THE LICHENS IN THE AIUD TOWN AREA (ALBA COUNTY) GYORKOS Levente, BARTOK Katalin Universitatea "Babes-Bolyai", Facultatea de Biologie si Geologie, Catedra de Taxonomie si Ecologie, str. Republicii, nr 42, RO-400015 Cluj-Napoca e-mail: Abstract: The lichen flora in the neighbourhoods of Aiud town (Bichis, Raristi, Lopadea and Valisoara forests) was for the first time investigated. A number of 40 lichen species, of which 27 epiphyte and 13 terriculous has been identified. The study area is moderately polluted with heavy metals, gases and large amounts of dust emitted by the metal-processing plant 'Metalurgica' S.A. Aiud, the road traffic, agricultural and forestry-related activities. In direct correlation with the distance from the main polluting source, an increase in the specific diversity and in the number of neutrophilous and basiphilous lichens, as well as of the Index of Atmospheric Purity (IAP) was calculated. In all the habitats under study the lichen diversity varies in an inverse correlation with their abundance. The interspecific competition was observed only in the case of the epiphyte lichen species from the ecotone zone 1. Key words: Bichis, Raristi, Lopadea, Valisoara forests (Aiud town's neighbourhood), pollution, lichen diversity, abundance, ecology, IAP value, ecotone | [abstract] | [PDF] | STRUCTURE AND SEASONAL DYNAMICS OF BENTHIC DIATOM COMMUNITIES FROM THE DRAINAGE BASIN OF THE SOMESUL MARE RIVER, MIDDLE SECTOR Nicoleta VOICINCO*, Leontin Stefan PETERFI*, Laura MOMEU** * Universitatea "Babes-Bolyai", Facultatea de Biologie si Geologie, Catedra Taxonomie si Ecologie, Colectivul de Botanica, str. Republicii, nr.42, RO-400015 Cluj-Napoca ** Universitatea "Babes-Bolyai", Facultatea de Biologie si Geologie, Catedra Taxonomie si Ecologie, Colectivul de Ecologie, str. Clinicilor, nr. 5-7, RO-400006 Cluj-Napoca e-mail: Abstract: Structure and seasonal dynamics of benthic diatom communities from the drainage basin of the Somesu Mare river, middle sector Algal community structure was studied in 15 sampling sites located along the Somesu Mare river and three of his affluents, in March, June, July and October 2005. There have been identified 217 taxa belonging to 36 genera. There has been analyzed the seasonal dynamics of diatom communities, the floristic affinities using the similarity index of Jaccard (PAST), the degree of water saprobity and water quality (Biological Diatom Index). Key words: rivers, diatom communities, saprobity level, water quality, Biological Diatom Index (BDI) | [abstract] | [PDF] | STRUCTURE OF PHYTOPLANKTON COMMUNITIES FROM THE PONDS OF 'INTRE LACURI QUARTER', CLUJ-NAPOCA (TRANSYLVANIA, ROMANIA) Annamaria KISS*, Leontin Stefan PETERFI*, Laura MOMEU** * Universitatea "Babes-Bolyai", Facultatea de Biologie si Geologie, Catedra de Taxonomie si Ecologie, Colectivul de Botanica, str. Republicii, nr. 42, RO-400015 Cluj-Napoca ** Universitatea "Babes-Bolyai", Facultatea de Biologie si Geologie, Catedra de Taxonomie si Ecologie, Colectivul de Ecologie, str. Clinicilor, nr. 5-7, RO-400006 Cluj-Napoca e-mail: Abstract: The species composition of planktonic algal communities were studied based on the samples collected in 2004 and 2005. The algal flora exhibits a high species diversity consisting of 331 taxa identified in 3 ponds. The dominant groups were reprezented by green algae (Chlorophyta) and diatoms (Bacillariophyta) - 37.16%, followed by cyanobacteria (Cyanoprokaryota) - 14.8%. The contribution of Euglenophyta, Dinophyta, Xanthophyta, Cryptophyta and Chrysophyta was less than 7%. According to the number of eutrophic indicator species and the values of the trophic indices, the water of the 3 ponds is eutrophic. The values of the Organic Pollution index indicates heavy organic pollutin for Ponds 1 and 2, and moderate pollution for Pond 3. Key words: phytoplankton, integrated composite sampling, trophic indices, Organic Pollution Index | [abstract] | [PDF] | CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE GENUS STAURODESMUS TEILING (ORD. DESMIDIALES) IN ROMANIA Ioana NEAG*, Leontin Stefan PETERFI*, Laura MOMEU** * Universitatea "Babes-Bolyai", Facultatea de Biologie si Geologie, Catedra de Taxonomie si Ecologie, str. Republicii, nr. 42, RO-400015 Cluj-Napoca ** Universitatea "Babes-Bolyai", Facultatea de Biologie si Geologie, Catedra de Taxonomie si Ecologie, str. Clinicilor, nr. 5-7, RO-400006 Cluj-Napoca e-mail: Abstract: The paper presents some preliminary data regarding the study of the genus Staurodesmus Teiling (ord. Desmidiales) in Romania. 14 species of the genus have been recorded in Romania and 30 morphological characters were selected for numerical taxonomic analysis of Staurodesmus taxa. They are briefly characterized as concerning their morphology, ecology and distribution in Romania. Key words: Conjugatophyceae, desmids, Staurodesmus, morphology, Romanian distribution, numerical taxonomy, phenogram | [abstract] | [PDF] | PRELIMINARY STUDIES ON THE STRUCTURE OF DIATOM COMMUNITIES IN THE PONDS OF THE NATURE RESERVE 'FANATELE CLUJULUI' (TRANSYLVANIA, ROMANIA) Bela Albert MAROSI, Annamaria KISS, Leontin Stefan PETERFI Universitatea "Babes-Bolyai", Facultatea de Biologie si Geologie, Catredra de Taxonomie si Ecologie, str. Republicii, nr. 42, RO-400015 Cluj-Napoca e-mail: Abstract: The examination of epiphytic and epipelic samples collected from the ponds of the nature reserve 'Fanatele Clujului' revealed the presence of 92 diatom taxa, which belong to 19 genera. Most of the species were cosmopolitan and characteristic for salt waters. Pollution tolerant species were present as well. Species richness and diversity were higher in the spring samples. Spring samples also contained more species that prefer lower concentration of organic substance. The BDI (biological diatom index) was different according to the ponds and substrata, it denoted bad, medium and good water qualities. The BDI values were higher in spring , which means better water quality. Key words: diatom community, epiphyton, epipelon, substratum, microclimate, species diversity, water quality, organic substance | [abstract] | [PDF] | STRUCTURE, SEASONAL DYNAMICS AND VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION OF DIATOMS IN LAKE DURGAU NEAR TURDA (CLUJ COUNTY, ROMANIA) Levente NAGY*, Leontin Stefan PETERFI*, Laura MOMEU** * Universitatea "Babes-Bolyai", Facultatea de Biologie si Geologie, Departamentul de Taxonomie si Ecologie, str. Republicii 42, RO-400015 Cluj-Napoca ** Universitatea "Babes-Bolyai", Facultatea de Biologie si Geologie, Departamentul de Taxonomie si Ecologie, str. Clinicilor, nr. 5-7, RO-400006 Cluj-Napoca E-mail: Abstract: This paper is the first one dealing with the diatom communities of Lake Durgau, Turda, based on samples collected seasonally in 2005. There have been identified 84 diatom species occurring in both periphyton and plankton communities. Many of the detected species are halobionts or halophilous. Aspects related to the effect of salinity on species composition, seasonal dynamics and vertical distribution of diatoms are also discussed. Key words: diatom community structure, dynamics, vertical distribution, salinity, diversity, similarity | [abstract] | [PDF] | THE CORRECT ASH NATIVE SPECIES IDENTIFICATION: APPLICATION TO MIXED ASH FORESTS OF ROMANIA Magdalena PALADA-NICOLAU Institutul de Cercetari si Amenajari Silvice, Statiunea de Cercetare Simeria, Str. Biscaria, nr. 1, RO-335900 Simeria e-mail: Abstract: There are 5 native ash species in the forest flora of Romania (the common ash Fraxinus excelsior, the narrow-leaved ash F. angustifolia, the manna ash F. ornus and the hairy ashes F. palisae and F. corriarieifolia), besides the American ashes accidentally introduced in the natural forests. The common ash and the narrow-leaved ash can be rather easily mistaken for one another, leading to troubles in the seed collection for afforestation. Although the distribution areas of the two species, as well as their ecological requirements, are different, they can still grow mixed in the same woods: either in the riparian forests of the big rivers, where the seeds of F. excelsior are transported by the water stream from the hilly regions, or also in the planted stands, the latter because of their previous grounding upon wrong seed collection. The focus on the Romanian ash species and populations was due to the partnership of Romania in the EU-funded FRAXIGEN project, during the 2002-2005 period. The aim of this project was the definition of ash populations from the point of view of genetic diversity, phylogeography, mating system and phenology. We found that in management studies, the species Fraxinus excelsior and F. angustifolia have not been treated apart, but together, as 'ash'. This fact has caused the collection of mixed seed samples and the plantation of ash seedlings in non-suitable areas. In order to avoid these problems in the future, a practical guide for the correct identification of the ash species was produced, based on the most valid identification criteria: mating system, type of inflorescence, color and shape of winter buds. In order to estimate the identification criteria validity, the wide variability among most of the morphological traits, as well as the presence in both species of some phenotypes having features of the other species were considered. Key words: ash, Fraxinus, species identification, discriminant criteria, morphological traits, variability, seed collection | [abstract] | [PDF] | PARASITE FUNGI ON SOME ORNAMENTAL IRIDACEAE (II) Oana ROSCA-CASIAN, Marcel PARVU Universitatea "Babes-Bolyai", Facultatea de Biologie si Geologie, Catedra de Taxonomie si Ecologie, str. Republicii, nr. 42, RO-400 015 Cluj-Napoca e-mail: Abstract: Botryotinia draytonii, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. gladioli and Heterosporium pruneti fungi were isolated from ornamental Iridaceae and were obtained in pure cultures on nutritive medium. The fungal sporulation was examined by means of the light microscope and/or scanning electron microscope. Key words: Botryotinia draytonii, fungal colony, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. gladioli, Heterosporium pruneti, Iridaceae, micrograph, microfungi, mycelium, Penicillium gladioli, sporulation | [abstract] | [PDF] | REASEARCH REGARDING APPLE VARIETIES RESISTANCE TO DISEASE - BASIC COMPONENT OF ECOLOGICAL POMICULTURE Aurel MAXIM Universitatea de Stiinte Agronomice si Medicina Veterinara, Calea Manastur, nr. 3-5, RO-400372 Cluj-Napoca e-mail: Abstract: The research presented here, were made during 2003-2004 in the Pomicultural Research Station of Bistrita and its primary objective was to study the behavior of 47 apple varieties, Romanian and foreign, to the apples scab (Venturia inaequalis), powdery mildew (Podosphaera leucotricha), black rot (Monilia fructigena), and the bacterian fire of rosacee (Erwinia amylovora) invasion. In the year of 2003 in Bistrita the meteorological conditions were advantageous for all these pathogenic agents to evolve and in 2004 were very advantageous. In the experimental plot there were applied the minimum phytosanitary treatments (four in 2003, five in 2004) from which mandatory were the prefloral ones with fungicides. Post floral were applied 1-2 treatments with systemic fungicides. Observing the 47 apple varieties the most resistant ones were: 'Quinte 208', 'Champion', 'Zvoncove', 'Haralson', 'Oldenburg', 'Ancuta', 'Empire', 'Macspur', 'Ardelean', 'Discovery', 'Red Well', 'Carola', 'July Red', 'Mantet', 'Belren', 'Mc Intosh', 'Jonamac', 'Liberty', 'Monroe', 'Blaxtayman', 'Anka', 'Akane', 'Cortland', 'Rambo', 'Lobo', 'Goldspur', 'Yellow Newton' at the apple scab (V. inaequalis); 'Haralson', 'Winesap', 'Triple Red', 'Blaxtayman', 'Rambo', 'Lord Lambourne', 'Starkrimson', 'July Red', 'Penstayman' at the powdery mildew (P. leucotricha). To black rot (M. fructigena) the majority of the 47 varieties with the exception of 5 breeds ('Lobo', 'Monroe', 'Akane', 'Cortland', 'Rome Beauty') were proved to be resistant at this mycose. For the bacterial fire of rosacee (E. amylovora) the most attacks were registered in case of 'Jonathan', 'Idared' and 'James Grieve' varieties. Key words: apple, ecology pomiculture, resistance of varieties, apple scab, powdery mildew, black rot, frequency of attack, intensity of attack, degree of attack, fungicides | [abstract] | [PDF] | CHLORORESPIRATION AND THE EFFECTS OF MITOCHONDRIAL OXIDASES INHIBITORS ON PLASTOQUINONE REDOX STATE IN THE ALGA MOUGEOTIA SPP. STRAIN AICB 560 Victor BERCEA*, Catalina VASILESCU*, Bogdan DRUGA*, Nicolae DRAGOS** * Institutul de Cercetari Biologice, str. Republicii, nr. 48, RO-400015 Cluj-Napoca ** Universitatea "Babes-Bolyai", Facultatea de Biologie si Geologie, str. Clinicilor, nr. 5-7, RO-400006 Cluj-Napoca e-mail: Abstract: Plastoquinone redox state, in the presence of mitochondrial respiration inhibitors, correlated with the activity of NAD(P)H-quinone oxidoreductase and with the evolution of photosynthetic O2 have been studied. In the presence of DCMU, the kinetics reflects plastoquinone reduction at dark and the fractions of Q- have increased. Mitochondrial inhibitors (NaN3, SHAM, PG, rotenone) have inhibited plastoquinone oxidation at dark resulting the diminishing of available plastoquinone function of their specificity action, and the fraction of Q- has increased. The dithiothreitol inhibited plastoquinone oxidation at dark. The partial plastoquinone reduction is accompanied by changes of initial fluorescence. The plastoquinone reduction due to plastidial Ndh complex was intensified in correlation with light intensity. Under the action of different intensities light the concentration of photosynthetic oxygen decreased in the majority of experimental variants. The sustained release of photosynthetic oxygen was registered under the action of propyl gallate, TTF, and rotenone in which the amount of oxygen increased. Key words: electron acceptors, fluorescence kinetic, NAD(P)H-quinone oxidoreductase, photosynthetic oxygen evolution, plastoquinone pool | [abstract] | [PDF] | CHLORORESPIRATION AND THE KINETICS OF PLASTOQUINONE POOL REOXIDATION IN THE PRESENCE OF MITOCHONDRIAL RESPIRATION INHIBITORS IN THE ALGA MOUGEOTIA SP. STRAIN AICB 560 Victor BERCEA*, Catalina VASILESCU*, Bogdan DRUGA*, Nicolae DRAGOS** * Institutul de Cercetari Biologice, str. Republicii, nr. 48, RO-400015 Cluj-Napoca ** Universitatea "Babes-Bolyai", Facultatea de Biologie si Geologie, str. Clinicilor, nr. 5-7, RO-400006 Cluj-Napoca e-mail: Abstract: The involvement of chlororespiration electrons in plastoquinone reoxidation under the action of photosynthetic and mitochondrial electron transporter chain inhibitors was studied in the green algae. Under the action of DCMU, 32.7% of plastoquinol pool was reoxidized. The plastoquinol reoxidation has diminished 25% in the presence of sodium azide. It was established that 72.7% of plastoquinol pool was reoxidized in the presence of salicylhydroxamic acid and n-propyl gallate, while 38.2% in the presence of thenoyltrifluoroacetone. In the presence of dithiothreitol the amount of plastoquinol reoxidized at dark was of 40%. In the condition of plastoquinol reoxidation at dark following light reduction takes place the change in initial fluorescence. The minimum and maximum fluorescence are maintained high, along with the diminishing of the efficiency and the quantum production. Propyl gallate makes an exception, which increased the initial fluorescence, and the salicylhydroxamic acid has inhibited it respectively. The increase of F0 in light-dark transition results from the accumulation of Q-A as a consequence of plastoquinone reduction at dark. The clear reoxidation of Q-A has diminished due to the reduced state of plastoquinone at dark. Key words: DCMU, fluorescence kinetic, mitochondrial respiration inhibitors, plastoquinone pool, reoxidation | [abstract] | [PDF] | THE STUDY OF THE LATE- AND POSTGLACIAL DYNAMICS OF THE VEGETATION FROM PESTEANA (POIANA RUSCA MOUNTAINS) Sorina FARCAS*, Ioan TANTAU**, Tudor Mihai URSU*, Tomasz GOSLAR***, Flaviu POPESCU*, Ilie Adrian STOICA* * Institutul de Cercetari Biologice, str. Gh. Bilascu, nr. 48, RO-400015 Cluj-Napoca ** Universitatea "Babes-Bolyai", Facultatea de Biologie si Geologie, Catedra de Geologie-Paleontologie, str. M. Kogalniceanu, nr. 1, RO-400084 Cluj-Napoca *** Faculty of Physics, A. Mickiewicz University, ul. Umultowska 85, PL-61-617 Poznan e-mail: Abstract: This work presents the results of the palynological studies carried out in the peat bog from Pesteana, lying on the plateau of the last peak of Poiana Rusca Mountains, at an altitude of about 480 m. The first palynological study of this peat bog was done in 1971 [5]. Our work represents a continuation of this study, attempting to establish in the near future the absolute chronology of the vegetation history in the region. The palynological results from the studied sequence emphasize a lacunary evolution since the Late Glacial, as the 14C data and the configuration of the pollen spectrum from the basal level proves. The dynamics of the regional vegetation since the Lateglacial until present time are presented. Key words: Lateglacial, Subatlantic, pollen analysis, vegetation history, Poiana Rusca Mountains, peat-bog, database, diagrams, glacial refugia | [abstract] | [PDF] | REVIEW: MICROCYSTINS: POWERFUL CYANOBACTERIAL TOXINS Daniela Alina BOARU*, Kristin SCHIRMER**, Corneliu TARBA*, Nicolae DRAGOS* * Universitatea "Babes-Bolyai", Facultatea de Biologie si Geologie, str. M. Kogalniceanu, nr. 1, RO-400084 Cluj-Napoca ** Department of Cell Toxicology, UFZ Centre for Environmental Research Leipzig-Halle in the Helmholtz Association, D-04318 Leipzig e-mail: Abstract: Toxins producing species of cyanobacteria have been detected worldwide in fresh and marine waters. The most commonly cyanotoxins found in the aquatic medium are the hepatotoxic microcystins. These toxins are responsible for numerous cases of poisoning and death of animals and present a potential hazard to human health. The water eutrophication can enhance the toxic cyanobacteria growth hence increasing the risk of exposure to microcystins. The present paper aims at providing a short overview of cyanobacteria forming water-bloom and their ability to synthesize cyanotoxins, focusing on MCYSTs biosynthesis, occurrence and their in vitro and in vivo toxic effects. Microcystins toxic effects are largely due to the inbition of protein phosphatase and induction of oxidative stress. Consequences of exposure to high levels of microcystins include structural damage and apoptosis, whereas the exposure for long periods of time to lower toxin concentrations can lead to liver tumours. Key words: cyanobacteria, microcystins, toxic effects, apoptosis, tumour promotion, in vitro, in vivo | [abstract] | [PDF] |